Royals Baseball Clinic Marquee May 2024

420: If You Feel Different You Drive Different

Kansas Department of Transportation
Kansas Department of Transportation

Driving high can be just as dangerous as drinking and driving. That's the message the Kansas Department of Transportation and the Drive To Zero Coalition want to share during the If You Feel Different You Drive Different safety campaign.

Cannabis culture slang recognizes April 20, commonly called 420, as a marijuana holiday, resulting in greater potential for illegal driving while drug impaired. Law enforcement agencies across Kansas will participate in the effort to improve safety by increasing enforcement from April 18 through 22.

"Nobody should ever drive while under the influence of any impairing substance, it's illegal, and it could be deadly," said Gary Herman, KDOT Behavior Safety Manager. "The effects of drugs such as marijuana are no less dangerous than driving after drinking alcohol. Judgement and reaction time is compromised, putting everyone at risk on the road with a driver potentially driving high."

According to KDOT 2023 preliminary data, 59 people died last year in Kansas crashes where drugs were involved. Another 265 people sustained reported injuries in drug related crashes.

To help save lives and prevent drug related crashes, KDOT and the DTZ Coalition are sharing these tips: never ride with an impaired driver, if you have ingested an impairing substance, hand your keys over to a sober driver, take the keys from someone who is impaired and help them get home safely, call a taxi or use a rideshare service and contact law enforcement if you see an impaired driver on the road.

To learn more about the If You Feel Different You Drive Different campaign, CLICK HERE.

(Information courtesy KDOT.)