Discount Fireworks Marquee June 2024

Representative Mann Completes Annual 60-County Mann Listening Tour

Tracey Mann Town Hall 8-2-23
Tracey Mann Town Hall 8-2-23

US Representative Tracey Mann of Kansas completed his annual 60-county Mann Listening Tour on August 3.

Since the beginning of his time in Congress, Representative Mann has hosted at least one town hall in every county of the Big First each year, for a total of 186 town halls over the past three years.

"Fighting for Kansans in the Big First is my top priority and I host town halls to get my marching orders," said Representative Mann. "When you roll up your sleeves, get into the middle of difficult issues and carefully listen to people, you get a better perspective, and the solutions become more clear. In each of the 60 town halls that I hosted this year, Kansans expressed concerns about big government overreach, our country's $32 trillion national debt, the federal government's wasteful spending, inflation, burdensome taxes on small businesses, the border crisis, the nationwide spike in violent crime and the infringement on basic rights like the Second Amendment and the right to life. Republicans have been working hard to pass legislation that solves these issues, cuts taxes and red tape, unleashes American energy production, secures the border and blocks overreaching executive orders. If it matters to a Kansan, it matters to me, and I am proud to continue fighting for Kansans in Washington."

Representative Mann completed the Mann Listening Tour this week with stops in Reno, McPherson, Saline, Ottawa, Cloud, Lincoln, Russell, Ellis, Rooks, Graham, Norton, Phillips, Smith, Osborne, Mitchell and Jewell Counties.

Click here for more information on Representative Mann's annual Mann Listening Tour.

Click here for Representative Mann's Commitment to the Big First.

(Information courtesy Representative Mann's Office.)