Dorrance Decoration Day Marquee May 2024

Russell Main Street, Inc. Hosts What's Up in Russell Coffee at Chet's Place

RMSI What's Up in Russell Coffee 5-7-24
RMSI What's Up in Russell Coffee 5-7-24

Russell Main Street, Inc. hosted a What's Up in Russell Coffee Tuesday morning at Chet's Place in downtown Russell.

New Russell Main Street Executive Director Kelsey Decker discussed upcoming events and talked about new initiatives at RMSI.

Since taking over, Decker and the Main Street Board have been busy rebranding the organization to bring as much value to the community as possible.

One major difference is the restructure of memberships to investorships. They feel this more accurately reflects your role when supporting Russell Main Street. When you invest in Russell Main Street, you invest in your downtown. These investing dollars are used to beautify the downtown, offer revitalization services and host traditional community events that bring consumers to town.

They have also revamped Main Street Bucks. Now, when investors receive one, they can take it straight to their bank to be instantly deposited.

Investorship levels and sponsorships have been simplified. Now, investors can pay in quarterly payments throughout the fiscal year.

Early bird investing will be given at a discount. To receive this discount, invest by June 15, 2024.

For more information, email or call 785-483-2897.

(Information courtesy RMSI.)